The Great Migration

In the Spring of 2021 the team was dead. Love live the team!

In 2019 Ramsey Solutions decided that it was time to sunset all of the company’s many different websites and merge them into one domain: This move would help give us more authority in the eye’s of Google, and it would help our users better understand how all of our people, products and services are connected, thus helping make that trust transfer.

As the team over the company’s biggest site, my team—the team—was tasked with leading this initiative, which we dubbed “The Migration.”

Over the next year and a half we worked to move over fifteen websites into one. This meant we had to create new website components that would allow each sunsetting site to have what they need in order to move over and maintain a consistent look and experience across the site. Some of these components included: testimonials, FAQs, forms, episode cards, subnavigation, video players, and many more!

Everyone on the team (designers, copyeditors, engineers, writers, marketers) had a hand in this initiative. As we approached the launch date we created an internal campaign called “Everyone’s a QA.” At our 1000 person staff meeting we walked through how we needed everyone in the company to lend a hand in the QA process for the new site. We needed to start testing each and every page, clicking any link, purposefully trying to break it so that we could fix all the bugs before launch.

This was a long project with many moving pieces that involved the entire company. The design team did an amazing job helping throughout it. We built new pages, tested them, reported bugs, created fun posters that we hung inside the building to promote the “Everyone’s a QA” push, we brought ice cream cones to our “Content Freeze” swarm, we met with other teams to show how their brand could fit within our components, we created page templates and documented everything.

This was 100% a team effort and in May of 2021 we launched!


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