The Get Started Assessment

Ramsey Solutions has a proven plan for helping people take control of their finances, from starting an initial emergency fund to building generational wealth. However, it can be daunting to users on where to start.

Our team was tasked solving that problem: how do we onboard our users into our plan?

Our solution was to build the Get Started Assessment, a twelve question assessment that asks users what their goals are and what their personal situation is. It then creates a personalized onboarding plan for the user with up to five action steps.

The Get Started Assessment has an above-average completion rate (+75%) due to the intentional qualitative and quantitative user research that went into the creation of each question and the presentation of the assessment and results page. Over 1,000 people were interviewed and gave feedback through the many iterations.

The assessment was launched over two years ago and continues to be the Ramsey Solution’s main tool for onboarding new users.


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